Fevers and Coughs

Jesse was sick with fever and coughs, Saturday, Sunday, and most of Monday.

James began a fever Sunday morning, Monday and now it's Tuesday and he still has a fever and coughs. I've been putting Vic's vapor rub on his feet for the cough, although I don't think it is doing very good. He is getting peppermint tea, and I have nursed him a bit. I think this is beneficial for 2 reasons. First, my body creates anti-bodies for the virus. That is good for Luke, who is also coughing and good for James and I. Second, breast milk is the best stuff on earth for health and I find that James is really needing this comfort and healthy dose if fluids, since he is eating next to nothing, a bit of apple and some crackers.

I'm also giving the multi vitamins, vit C and a cough remedy (natural) called AIJ. I've also given him doses of astragalus, for the coughing. Mostly, I'm trying really hard to keep him hydrated. Last night he coughed A Lot! I held him quite a bit between midnight and 2 am. Jesse coughed a bit too, but seems to be used to coughing and slept through most of it.

Lunch: lentil soup and tortillas
Dinner: leftover rice, fried. Broccoli, and meatballs


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