Week of Jan 24th

January 24th, 2013

What happened this week?

Monday, we didn't have our normal homeschooling group, so we did it at home. We did week 11 in our Classical Conversations curricula. This covers memorization of the time line, creation to current events, math facts (skip counting the cubes), science (parts of a flower), geography(cities of Rome, Athens, Ephesus, Antioch, Istanbul) history (Byzantine Empire) and art (drawing frogs). We also took the time to learn about the Parthenon in Athens and the Blue Mosque in Istanbul. That was fascinating to me!

Tuesday we went to the indoor park and the kids got to try out the new bouncy house. Karmin is doing multiplication in math these days. Both girls are reading at least 15 min per day.

We use Psalm 145 for handwriting copy work. I think we will be moving toward book reports soon. We use Explode The Code for Spelling, and basic Grammar is Daily Grams. Their math are math work sheets of addition & subtraction, as well as a curricula on Cd called Teaching Text books.

Wednesday, we went to the indoor park, where I was able to encourage other moms about parenting. Worked with Jesse on his handwriting using the white board, and his numbers counting to 30.
We had rice with kidney beans and broccoli for dinner.

Thursday, another indoor park day.  Jesse is doing really well with his obedience and attitude. He took a nice long nap.  So we didn't do school work.  James threw less of a fit for nap time.  We had teriyaki chicken thighs with fried rice and broccoli for dinner.  I ate quickly and took Luke to his well baby check up.  He is almost 4mo old.  He coo's, tries to grab things.  He doesn't rol over yet.
He weighs 16lbs 10oz - 90% for weight.  50% for height

We had a interesting visit with a new doctor for his check up.  She asked about how he sleeps. I said on his back and co -sleeps with me. She said that increases the chances for SIDS.  I just smiled and didn't say anything.  Good grief.  No one knows what causes SIDS and there are so many factors to take into consideration.  Like that I am a light sleeper and it is important to me to know how my baby is during the night.  I wondered if she had any children.  I asked her later in the visit...just what I suspected. No children.  I really think a Pediatrician is not as effective having never been a parent. There is nothing that replaces being a parent.

Later that night I went to visit Jo.  It was good to chat.  She is doing so much better now that she went through the spiritual counseling with Sara Hatfield.

Friday today...went to dr. Belleville for Jesse and his quantum bio-feed back treatment.  His system is cleared of the chlorine that was stressing him the last time. I put us all on filtered water.  Geoff the bio-feed back technician said his body has shown that pathogens is at 100 for the third visit.  It should be in the range of 40 or below.  So that includes gut issues like candida. He was telling me how the bio-feed back in other patients has pin-pointed events down to the exact week of a particular stressful event.  I'm really curious to know.  I think once we get the issue of candida yeast under control in Jesse, I am sure it will reveal the exact thing that threw is immune system out of wack.
So she said because of him detoxing through his lymph system she recommends increasing water in take and exercise... So I'm borrowing the indoor park's trampoline for the weekend.

Tomorrow Mark is going on the snow trip with the church kids.  I am having Jo and shauna over for the evening.

Sundy we are heading to my parents house to visit,  my dad misses me. :)


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