Promised Land

God gave me a promise 4 years ago that we would be free from sickness...this is my promised land. This last year winter of 2010 & Spring/Summer of 2011 has been a rough time of colds/sicknesses for mostly Jesse. But I haven't lost hope. I still believe. We went through a tough August (crazy that it would be in the middle of summer, but it was). I still believe in my promise.

God reminded me of the city of Jericho and how it was a part of the Israelites promised land. How Joshua & the spies checked out the city & area's and said that they could do it, because God was with them. How God directed Joshua & the people to march around the all it took was faith. God brought an angel - the commander of the Lord's army - to show Joshua that he wasn't alone, and that he was standing on holy ground. Jericho was the first city that the Israelites defeated in the promised land. And what were they required to do? March around the city for 6 days, blowing trumpets and having the arch of the covenant go before them. Then on the 7th day march 7 times around and at the last give a mighty shout. And the walls collapsed. WOW!
Did they have to pray, did they have to fast? Nope, they just did what God told them to do. Consecrated themselves.

In the beginning of Joshua it says "Be strong and courageous, because you will lead these people into the land I swore to their forefathers". Why did he need courage? Because it would be difficult to stand firm and believe, even when others doubt.

Is every situation the same? No. I believe God gives direction for each situation. This last week some friends and family from church came to our home. We worshiped, then we walked 7 times around our house and at the end gave a mighty shout. God revealed to me that the Israelites weren't required to do more than they could do. That HE was the one who broke down the walls of Jericho. He showed them what they needed to do, and He did the rest. I have great peace. We will enter the promise land of freedom from sickness in our family. God will lead us and guide us and show us what we need to do and HE will take care of the rest.


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