Day 14: Chickenpox Again

On Sunday the 22nd the final 4 started showing signs of Chickenpox. Jesse is a day ahead of everyone and his is severe.
Things around the world are going crazy with Covid-19. The Governor of Oregon has shut down all non-essential businesses. Grocery stores are struggling to keep things like T.P. in stock.
I've not been anywhere since last Wednesday the 18th. I'm fighting on an off with a low grade fever and body aches like a Candida Yeast die off. Or maybe it's depression?
Who knows.
It's been tough today seeing Jesse so sick. Thankfully I've been through it with James so I know what to expect.
Our homeschooling classes have asked that those of us who teach continue to do so either by email or by Zoom online meetings. I highly doubt that families are going to choose to do this as this time is such a stressful time. Everyone that doesn't have to work is isolated at home.
I teach classes at the community we are in, 2 high school and 1 middle-school writing class. To teach from home, isn't something I think is worth my time. It's one thing to be in a community where my kids are taking other classes, it's another thing to try and do the extra work while my own kids are under foot.
Mark is working from home and trying to finish up the shop he is building. I'm trying to stay in contact with family and friends and doing my best to keep the kids from watching movies and playing on the Xbox all day long. That's tough to do when they are sick.
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