Day in the life of homeschooling a 3rd grader, 2nd grader and Kinder,with a three year old and 16mo old
Karmin is 9, Rose is 7, Jesse is turning 6 in a few weeks, James is 3 and Luke is 16mo.
5:30 am to 7 am - Mornings begin with baby Luke waking up. He nurses a bit, then snuggles/climbs on me. Most of the time he will fall back asleep if he was up at 5:30. If not, he slides off the bed around 7:30. Karmin is usually up by then and keeps him entertained while I try to get myself out of bed.
7:30 - 8:00 am - I get dressed. Get James and Luke dressed and tell the other kiddos to get dressed too. We eat breakfast, do some chores and start "school" around 9 - if everything goes well.
9am to 10am - we dance, play drums, wave flags, to a variety of songs from YouTube. Mostly worship songs, but lately the big request has been "What does the Fox Say?"
We move on to reading a short bible story, and sing a few songs that have letter and numbers in them for the younger kids.
10am - the two girls start their math, Jesse and I begin his online reading program. The two younger boys beebop around the room. After that I put a Seasame street movie on for James, and try and figure out what to feed the kids for lunch, which ends up being a second breakfast. Like this morning we had homemade granola for breakfast at 8:30 and I ended up feeding everyone scrambled eggs and toast around 11. Crazy kids like to eat, or I didn't feed them enough for bfast.
11am - lunch time: The girls trade off using the computer for their math, and I help with questions they have.
Noon - 1:00pm we eat lunch, and Luke takes a nap.
1-2pm free time for Jesse and James. I try and get them outside, but that doesn't always happen.
1:30 and 2 - James goes down for a nap.
2-3 pm - I am usually working with the girls on their school work, and reviewing our classical conversation curriculum with the 3 older kids.
On Tuesdays and Thursdays we head out to gymnastics at 3:30. We get home around 5:30.
On other days I have an hour to myself from 3-4pm if Luke doesn't wake up too early. This is usually when I drink a cup of coffee and try and breathe. While the kids read or whatch a short netflix show.
4pm - I get dinner started.
5:15 - Hubby gets home. We eat, and the kids do the clean up.
6-7 pm - we have family reading time where I read to the kids and the kids color. We are reading the little house series right now.
8 pm - the boys go to bed.
9 pm - the girls go to bed. Sometimes we read more. Sometimes I clean the kitchen or start food for the next day.
9-10ish. I check email, browse the internet, try and reconnect with Mark or whatch a movie with Mark.
10:30 - bedtime
I found the link to your blog from Simple Homeschool. I had to check it out since I have 6 kiddos ages 9 and under. :-) I love that you do a family read a loud in the evening while the kids color. I usually let the kids watch a video for an hour or so before bed, and then do a quick read while they are in bed. I think it would be nice to switch things up and do a longer read in the evening though on some nights. It sounds so peaceful... and sometimes our evenings are not.
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