Almost accident

Reached stop sign at the end of Steiwer Rd. Jefferson.  Looked Rt to see a pickup heading my way.  Looked left - saw nothing.  Looked right again, saw the truck pass me.  Proceeded to turn left heading south on hwy 99.  My nose was maybe a 1-2 feet into the lane of traffic.  Without looking left again.   There wasn't but seconds that passed.

I Stopped abruptly as a white vehicle swerved around me.  I wasn't very far in her lane of traffic.  As she could have easily swerved around me.  I backed up a few feet. I was pulling a trailer, and I wasn't paying attention to the trailer when I backed up.  It barely kinked the hitch.  So I know I didn't have to back up very far.

The white vehicle did a wide swing left, then right, over compensating.  Then a left swing to avoid running in the ditch, on the right side of the road, then a 180 almost, facing the other direction, bumped a ditch and drove into a farmers field.

The came to rest, 91 yards from where my vehicle was.

There were 3 people in the white vehicle, none of them were injured - that they claimed.

This happened between 12:45 and 1pm.


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