A Day in the Life of Children and Homeschooling

Living with my parents for a month has been a adjustment for us and my parents. This is a snap shot into our lives these days, now that we started school.

I wake with the baby (nearly 1 yr old) around 7:30.  He is usually in my bed by then, since his room is our room too.  I love how he nurses with me in the morning and then slowly crawls on and around me, as he rubs the grogginess out of his eyes.  When I cant take the crawling on my head any longer, we get up for the day, around 8.  He is now walking more than he is crawling. I love how babies when they learn to walk they lead with their bellies. He has 1 and a 1/2 bottom teeth  and his top teeth are just breaking through. He is a bit of a picky eater, I've noticed.  Bread and crackers are his favorites.

Long before my feet hit the floor I usually hear the the other two boys wake.  Jesse, the quiet one,  is the stealth of the morning. He likes to have the morning quiet, he likes to get on the computer and watch "his shows". Fireman Sam, and Monster trucks are his favorites. This year is his first year of Kindergarten.  We are working on counting to 100, rhyming words, handwriting and reading books together.  He is usually one that likes to do things his way, and seems to think he knows everything.  Even as a 2 year old he insisted that semi-trucks were tractors.  As long as I keep things short, and playful he seems to love my attention.  Being the quiet boy, he tends to easily get lost in the business and I have to make purposeful efforts to connect with him.

The now 3 year old, you hear him long before you see him.  He is loud, and seems to have no volume control.  Life is exciting and new for him.  Monster trucks, fire trucks, police cars, ambulances all capture his attention.  He screams, shouts, squeals at anything that excites him.  He is passionate about everything he loves.  He talks and talks and talks. Asking questions continually, demanding attention constantly.  He is still in the toddler rules where "what is mine is mine and what is yours is mine" and when he doesn't get his way he lets you know.  But he is affectionate.  He loves to kiss, hug and snuggle.  He is compassionate.  He hates seeing anyone get hurt and is quick to hug and kiss injury away.

Miss Karmin the oldest and loves her Netflix shows.  This girl could watch TV all day long if I let her.  She wakes early to be the first to the remote.  She is the babysitter in the family.  Always willing to play with the baby to get out of doing chores.  This will end soon as the "baby" no longer needs to be contained. :) She is sensitive and compassionate.  She needs time with her mama to fill her love tank, and I can always tell when it is getting empty.

Miss Rose is my sleepy head.  She can sleep through just about anything.  Lights can turn on and off, she doesn't notice.  Loud noises don't stir her.  She sleeps til around 8am sometimes later.  This girl loves staying up late scripting stories in her notebook.  She adds illustrations to all of it.  
Her days consist of distractions.  It is common for me to remind her 3 times that she was supposed to be working on her school work.  And common for her to tell me she got distracted.


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