Update on my moving status
God loves me so much!
Im tired, and exhausted but in a good way. Yesterday was a blur. Dear friend Desiree' called and offered to take James for the morning. Then, I got a phone call that our house appraised at value! This is a huge relief, because if it didn't we probably wouldn't close at the end of the month, and I would be moving without my husband for no reason. There were times when I have had glimpses of anxiety, maybe I was moving way too early, not knowing how the assessment would come out. But, with the way events where happening with people helping me move, and only being able to help this weekend. I kept coming back to seeing that God was orchestrating all of it.
Did I mention that I needed help moving? Well, that is a amazing thing. My cousin gets a hold of me and tells me that he will make some phone calls. I was confused. He lives in Utah. Come to find out the LDS church has a extensive network to help people in need. ( this is as I understand it) anyway, so I was contacted by the church here in Jefferson and they are working at sending a couple of helpers for Saturday. And then the church in Sweet Home is working to send a couple of helpers my way to help unload. God told me he was going to amaze me. I'm excited to see what Saturday brings!
Then the realtor calls and says that we can close on the 15th if we wanted to! - we decided not to because it would cost $150 to have a mobile notary take the paperwork to Mark.
The upstairs rooms are now empty. - computer stuff and all. This is new to me, unplugging all the stuff to our computer and packing it up. :) all the clothes kids are packed. Today I take them to my mom's. last night the sweet babysitter sitters came to help and played sweet games with my girls as it was their last night here together. Do you remember "bubble gum, bubble gum in a dish chant?" I had totally forgotten about that!
I kept thinking last night that these were my "lasts". Last night to make dinner for my kids here. Last time they will play on the deck in the pool. Last time they will sleep here. Not a good idea to dwell in that place.
Better to dwell in the place that God is taking us up. We will live at my parents for awhile and make wonderful memories around the campfire pit in the back yard. And tent camping around the fire pit. And the ability for kids to play and run in the 2.5 acres. And being around grandparents, building relationships with them.
I am so glad the babysitter girls, came over this week. Life would have been so much harder if I didn't have them. I was able to lay down with Jesse last night (he is the first to go to bed) and talk things over with him. Funny our conversation. He says, " mom, our house is to heavy to move, I think."
I had to do some clarifying. We are moving our things to a new house, we aren't picking up our house and moving it somewhere. Wow, I had no idea that was how he understood me saying that we are moving! Then he talked about how he didn't have his toys to play with because I packed them, he thought he wasn't getting them back. And he really wanted to play with his Legos.
Then I put the baby in bed. Then I got James the 2 yr old in bed. And chatted with him. He now has a binky again. Don't judge, please. I couldn't keep him from taking the bink from Luke. And James loves the binkie. It is a huge source of comfort to him, and I am finding that we have to pick our battles, and pick ones that we can follow through with. I couldn't follow through with the stealing binkie continual issue.
Then, it was time for Karmin and Rose to say goodbye to the girls. Sweet Karmin and a little gift for each of them. When I got the girls in bed, Rose quickly fell asleep. Karmin and I stayed up talking. It was 10pm by the time we finished. We chatted about things on her mind. New clothes the neighbor sent over, the games she played with the babysitter girls. Not much about us moving. We have already had those conversations. I just have to connect with her regularly or her mood changes drastically. Whining, overall grumpy. Not wanting to be helpful. She truly showes when her love tank is empty.
Then it was my time to call Mark. But while I was talking to him, miss Karmin was missing her daddy. So she chatted a little. Then it was time to wrap up my conversation with Mark, get the final dishes done, get a shower and head to bed at 11:15.
I feel so blessed. I was telling Mark that I don't know how I would have done this if we lived some place rural. And I got to thinking of how many people have gone through much harder situations - all the military families who spend months without spouses and have to figure it all out alone.
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