My Letter to the Pediatrician
Dr. Oh,
After my visit with you on May 6th with my son Luke, I felt like I wasn't able to communicate well. I couldn't seem to look past my offense. Most of my offense came when you heard that I choose not to vaccinate until after my children are older than a year, and in response you stated that you hoped that my child would be well until then.
I felt that your statement was a passive aggressive way of saying that you don't agree with my decision. Rather than saying something like, "I see we don't agree on this, and it concerns me.”
I understand that you
are in support of vaccinations and feel that it is in the best interest of
children. But keep in mind that the choice that I make is also because I feel
it is in the best interest of my children.
Every person has a story to tell on why they make the decisions that they do for their children.
I have met a parent who
felt that the MMR was the reason why her child has autism. I wonder myself if my 5 yr old son has his
health issues because of receiving vaccinations. We may never know the answer. But what if I err on the wrong side? I can never
reverse putting foreign cells in my child’s body, nor can I ever reverse the
effects of my child getting measles.
I once was a pro-vaccine parent with my oldest daughter. Then I asked the question, why would people be anti vaccine?
As I began to research I had to ask the same questions for the community that vaccinated. And I think the answer is that each side has motivation for doing what they feel is the best for children.
I also feel that it is
frustrating to have the primary push for each side to be a based in fear.
"If you don't
vaccinate, you are harming your child."
"If you do vaccinate, you are harming your child."
"If you do vaccinate, you are harming your child."
I began to see that
there are some risks to vaccinations and my current view is that I will
vaccinate when I felt that the risk of the disease was greater than the
vaccination. For instance, I feel all my children need to have the tetanus
And I feel it is
ridiculous for my family to be vaccinated for Hep. B. Only transmissible by
sexual contact, blood transfusion etc.
On a side note, I have ethical issues with the Polio, MMR, Hep A and Chickenpox vaccinations that I have yet to resolve.
At this time I receive morbidity and mortality weekly email from the CDC, stating the out breaks of these childhood diseases therefore I will know if I need to re evaluate my decisions for my family.
I am not an uneducated parent on the issues of vaccinations. I have been reading the discussions for and against them for 8 years now. I find it frustrating to meet with people who cannot see past their opinion on the issue and place people in categories and leave no room to discuss. I understand you have no idea what kind of parent you are dealing with when you have a new patient. But take the time to ask questions and see if they are informed, on both sides of the issue. Then open a dialog to see if they are willing to share with you their story.
My question to you is;
are you informed on both sides of the issue?
I write this not because
I feel like I owe you an explanation, nor do I feel I need the approval of the
doctors at MVCC, but maybe you don't get many patients who make informed
decisions about their children, or maybe you have never had a healthy
discussion with a patient regarding a difference of opinion.
On Another note,
I didn't remember until after I left your office, that I had seen you for my daughter Rose a year ago, regarding a sinus issue she was having, you told me it was allergies, and recommended Allegra. I told you that I was going to check into seeing a naturopath, and you said that I was probably wasting my money. Well, I did seek out alternative medicine. I discovered she was allergic to the chickens that we had previously purchased a few months before. After one treatment from the naturopath her body resolved the issue with the chickens and she is no longer suffering from chronic sinus drainage. This isn't the first time alternative medicine has helped us. So, I will be investigating into whether alternative medicine can clear up Luke's eczema, and will keep you updated.
I really wish that you and other mainstream doctors could keep more of an open mind to alternative medicine. For instance, at one time antibiotics were given out at the drop of a hat, and now it has been proven that there is a time and a place for antibiotics. In addition the main stream medical community is finally seeing that continued use of antibiotics is detrimental on your health and are coming around to see probiotics are a necessary supplement for patients after a round if antibiotics.
In my opinion, main stream medicine has its place and expertise. However, so does alternative medicine and I wish that the two could work together.
On Another note,
I didn't remember until after I left your office, that I had seen you for my daughter Rose a year ago, regarding a sinus issue she was having, you told me it was allergies, and recommended Allegra. I told you that I was going to check into seeing a naturopath, and you said that I was probably wasting my money. Well, I did seek out alternative medicine. I discovered she was allergic to the chickens that we had previously purchased a few months before. After one treatment from the naturopath her body resolved the issue with the chickens and she is no longer suffering from chronic sinus drainage. This isn't the first time alternative medicine has helped us. So, I will be investigating into whether alternative medicine can clear up Luke's eczema, and will keep you updated.
I really wish that you and other mainstream doctors could keep more of an open mind to alternative medicine. For instance, at one time antibiotics were given out at the drop of a hat, and now it has been proven that there is a time and a place for antibiotics. In addition the main stream medical community is finally seeing that continued use of antibiotics is detrimental on your health and are coming around to see probiotics are a necessary supplement for patients after a round if antibiotics.
In my opinion, main stream medicine has its place and expertise. However, so does alternative medicine and I wish that the two could work together.
Donaca Fouts
ReplyDeleteWell written letter. I hope I can use these words openly with my child's pediatrician next visit. Thank you for sharing.