Jesse health
5/513 He is having his normal allergy snottiness, but it has been about a month and a half since he's had any cold with a cough. Just last night he got a cough that James has had for a week, and Luke has it too. Usually it's Jesse that gets the coughs first.
Update 5/8/13
I had forgotten that the naturepath recommended opening up the probiotic capsules and putting in a cold liquid for Jesse. Not just for ease of swallowing but because the good bacteria needs to begin at the start of the digestive system, and this helps with colds, sinus issues and other respiratory issues.
Update 5/8/13
I had forgotten that the naturepath recommended opening up the probiotic capsules and putting in a cold liquid for Jesse. Not just for ease of swallowing but because the good bacteria needs to begin at the start of the digestive system, and this helps with colds, sinus issues and other respiratory issues.
As of the 10th of May Jesse has been on a anti fungal, Nystatin. Continuing taking probiotics as well. He is doing well health wise! Yay!
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