Jesse health update

We had Jessie's hearing tested by a ENT. His hearing is fine, but he does have a lot of fluid in his ears, (which we knew) and enlarged tonsils (which we knew). We have scheduled for tubes to be put in his ears, and we are doing a follow up with Dr. Mcbride to see if he has made any improvements with his gut candida issues, using the phytostan and probiotics. If he hasn't made enough improvements then we will have him on a anti fungal, nystatin. Hopefully this will reduce the allergic reactions he has, decrease the inflamed tonsils and prevent him from having his tonsils removed. The ENT is concerned about his tonsils causing sleep issues. Which I am sure that had contributed.

Mark seemed concerned that we haven't headed down this road sooner, but in reality I have been searching for answers to the cause of this, not just treating the symptoms.

Recently I haven't been as faithful with Jesse's diet as I probably should be. It is just terribly hard to keep a child off all dairy and breads - when he LoVES breads and if is all around us.

But I have seen a increase in his energy level in the last month. He asks all the time to go outside and play, a year ago I couldn't get him to do that at all. He was just too tired.


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