Monday, Feb. 4 & Tuesday 5th
Went to Dr. Belleville for Jesse today. Interesting the emotions that appeared. Victimizing, with intent to get someone in trouble, manipulation, dominance, submissive. Yep, all those things he struggles with. Not to mention that today he was extremely argumentative.
His bronchial issues appeared. This makes sense, since he was coughing most of the week. But now he is on the mend. It was also mentioned that he has digestion issues, which means for the 4 th time, it is pointing to his gut.
I am continuing to avoid dairy, wheat and sugar for him. Although this morning he had pancakes.
Bfast: pancakes
Lunch: apple, peanuts, carrots
Dinner: chicken soup with mashed potoes
Snack: almond, coconut clusters
I got my hair cut today!
Mark stayed home cuz his cold was bothering him. I took the kids to the indoor park.
Luke is doing better,so is Jesse and Rose. James is completely fine, so am I. Karmin has a residual cough, but feeling better.
Bfast: leftover pancakes and apples
Snack: pretzels
Lunch: humus with cucumbers and carrots with triscuits. Rose and Jesse had oranges and apples.
Dinner: planning on having chicken, rice, green bean casserole.
I bought meat from a butcher shop here in Jefferson for the first time. It was about $4 a pound for the variety of the 30 lbs I got. But it is local grown Oregon beef, and that makes me comfortable feeding my kids beef that isn't raised on a farm that
His bronchial issues appeared. This makes sense, since he was coughing most of the week. But now he is on the mend. It was also mentioned that he has digestion issues, which means for the 4 th time, it is pointing to his gut.
I am continuing to avoid dairy, wheat and sugar for him. Although this morning he had pancakes.
Bfast: pancakes
Lunch: apple, peanuts, carrots
Dinner: chicken soup with mashed potoes
Snack: almond, coconut clusters
I got my hair cut today!
Mark stayed home cuz his cold was bothering him. I took the kids to the indoor park.
Luke is doing better,so is Jesse and Rose. James is completely fine, so am I. Karmin has a residual cough, but feeling better.
Bfast: leftover pancakes and apples
Snack: pretzels
Lunch: humus with cucumbers and carrots with triscuits. Rose and Jesse had oranges and apples.
Dinner: planning on having chicken, rice, green bean casserole.
I bought meat from a butcher shop here in Jefferson for the first time. It was about $4 a pound for the variety of the 30 lbs I got. But it is local grown Oregon beef, and that makes me comfortable feeding my kids beef that isn't raised on a farm that
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