Jesse health part 2

I have been aware of how important our gut is since Karmin and I have battled with candida yeast.  She had repercussions that presented themselves as eczema.  I have also known for many years now how lacto fermented veggies have huge  amounts of probiotics, thus creating a healthy gut.  But I didn't put together jesse's health isssues with a gut imbalance until today when I was reading from a trusted website about how your gut imbalances can cause a host of issues.

"The introduction of unfriendly flora can predispose your baby to GAPS (Gut and Psychology Syndrome, and also Gut and Physiology Syndrome). GAPS can have very damaging long-term effects on a child's health, both neurologically and physiologically. Besides an increased risk of asthma and other allergies, it can also increase his or her risk of learning and/or behavioral disabilities, mood disorders, gastrointestinal problems, and autoimmune disorders."
Now, I already know that Jesse has candida yeast imbalance because the naturopath mentioned this and discussed working with his diet after Christmas.  Some of the signs are how he craves breads, and would eat crackers and breads all day if I'm not paying attention to the toast for breakfast, quesadilla for lunch, pretzels for snack and pasta for dinner.  I'm working really hard these days to have better menus.  Now that I'm not pregnant I actually feel like I have a brain and some energy to focus  instead of being in "survival" mode.

So I'm going to dive into this new world of lacto fermentation, as many other people have as a response to health.  And see if I can change my taste buds and those of my children to enjoy a traditional food.


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