Baby Luke Birth September 30th
Luke Daniel Fouts born September 30th, 2012, at our home in Jefferson. He was 8lbs 14oz. Born at 9:21pm, After 16hrs of labor with 2 hours of pushing. His head was 14.75 inches and it was tilted a bit, plus he had a hand up next to his ear. It was the most difficult labor I have ever had. Because his head was tilted it caused extreme back labor. Mark spent at least 5 hrs applying pressure to my hips during contractions just to help relieve the back pain. We tried many different positions to get him to move while I was pushing, but tit ended up that I was able to deliver him on my hands and knees. Rose, age 6, stayed with Grandma Wilson during the whole process and was able to be there when Luke was born. She was amazed. She also spent time with the midwife examining the placenta. The three mid-wives present were: Julia, Carol Severson, and Willow. Both my parents were there, Rose was there, my sister Elisha was able to be there and my good friend Charlee Tunstill took the pictures for me.
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