This was a tough day.  Normally, I only get 1 child per day that decides to see if I really mean what I say.  But today I got 3 of them.  Not only that but one of them decided they needed to test me 3 times. 

Today, was the big day that James decided to see who was going to be the boss.  Each of the kids have tested this, right around 18mo - 20mo.   James is no different.  He threw a bunch of cards on the floor, I asked him to pick them up, and he spent 20 min. throwing a fit about it.  As I sat there on the floor with him, it was clear he knew what I was telling him.  "Pick up the cards", I'd say.  He'd kick his right foot out and scream, then there was silence.  "Pick up the cards", I repeated.  Again, a kick of the foot and crying fits.  Karmin, was trying to reason with him. "James, you need to obey Mama.  I did this too when I was little and I had to obey Mama. You do too."  Finally, after a long pause of silence, he decided that he was finished with this, and got up to go play.  Nope, that wasn't going to work.  Again, I told him to pick up the cards.  Again, a crying fit.  Then a pause of silence.  He looked at the cards, he looked at me, he picked up the cards. Victory!

Jesse, he wasn't as easy.  While we were with James teaching him about obeying, and Karmin said that she obeys Mama, Jesse gave me a little foreshadowing.  He replied to Karmin, "I don't obey".  So, I tested it.  I asked Jesse to pick up the play room and Karmin to do the bedroom.  Jesse went upstairs, but it was over an hour before he finally cleaned up the room and when he did, he wasn't happy. 

However, he heard his sisters playing up there later in the afternoon.  He went up there and said, "You guys are bad. You are making a mess and I just cleaned up this room."  Apparently he takes some pride in his work!


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