A Day in the Life of...
Karmin is 7, Rose is 5 1/2, Jesse is nearly 4 and James is 16 mo.
January 13th.
5:45am - James wakes and nurses for 15min. I lay him back down and he goes to sleep - Or is so quiet I don't hear him.
6am ish - Mark gets up for work
6:30-7:30ish Karmin and Jesse wake up. They head downstairs, usually watching a few episodes of Busy Town, Backyardigans or Fireman Sam. They generally help themselves to a piece of bread & peanut butter.
8am ish - James wakes. He fusses for a little while I rub the sleep out of my eyes.
8:30, I get dressed and get James.
8:30-9:30am - we eat some sort of breakfast. Oatmeal, toast, yoghurt & peaches. Occasionallly we have cold cereal. But not much lately with Jesse suffering from a cold.
Somewhere after breakfast, who ever has the turn of cleaning out the dishwasher does. Karmin & Rose trade off days. One cleans out the dishwasher and one sweeps.
I get one of the girls started with Math. This week I worked on adding flashcards with Karmin and Rose. With Karmin we made up a jingle for 8+5 =13. Rose and I worked on simple adding of 1+ another single digit.
During this time James is usally wanting in my lap, and back down again multiple times. Jesse is usually pestering James or finding something else to cause trouble with. :)
Our lessons keep to about 10min per child. ;)
After lessons, we usually do some chores like sweeping, folding clothes, transfering laundry or cleaning rooms.
11:30-12pm we have lunch. Crackers & cheese & apples. Or sandwhiches. Just something simple.
1:oo-3pm james takes a nap. During this time I read with the 3 kids library books - usually about 3 books. One for each child. Then after this they get to play outside or watch something on netflix. Depending on the weather. I read my emails and browse the internet. I start thinking about what I'm going to fix for dinner. And start laundry or clean up the rooms.
4pm - I usually start fixing dinner.
5:30pm - We eat dinner when Mark gets home.
Mondays & Wednesday's the girls go to Gymnastics at 5:45 and get home around 7:15
Tuesday's we go to Church where we volunteer as Middleschool leaders.
THursday's we stay home as a family and the kids play with daddy making lego houses or reading books while I clean up dinner and take care of James who tends to get pretty fussy in the evenings.
7:30 - we give the kids some kind of snack.
8pm - Bed time for the kids. All of them :)
8:45 - Kids are in bed. I browse the internet or FB for while or I watch a show on Netflix.
10pm - 10:45pm - Bed time. Mark and I try not to stay up later than this. I can't stay up late and function well the next day. :)
January 13th.
5:45am - James wakes and nurses for 15min. I lay him back down and he goes to sleep - Or is so quiet I don't hear him.
6am ish - Mark gets up for work
6:30-7:30ish Karmin and Jesse wake up. They head downstairs, usually watching a few episodes of Busy Town, Backyardigans or Fireman Sam. They generally help themselves to a piece of bread & peanut butter.
8am ish - James wakes. He fusses for a little while I rub the sleep out of my eyes.
8:30, I get dressed and get James.
8:30-9:30am - we eat some sort of breakfast. Oatmeal, toast, yoghurt & peaches. Occasionallly we have cold cereal. But not much lately with Jesse suffering from a cold.
Somewhere after breakfast, who ever has the turn of cleaning out the dishwasher does. Karmin & Rose trade off days. One cleans out the dishwasher and one sweeps.
I get one of the girls started with Math. This week I worked on adding flashcards with Karmin and Rose. With Karmin we made up a jingle for 8+5 =13. Rose and I worked on simple adding of 1+ another single digit.
During this time James is usally wanting in my lap, and back down again multiple times. Jesse is usually pestering James or finding something else to cause trouble with. :)
Our lessons keep to about 10min per child. ;)
After lessons, we usually do some chores like sweeping, folding clothes, transfering laundry or cleaning rooms.
11:30-12pm we have lunch. Crackers & cheese & apples. Or sandwhiches. Just something simple.
1:oo-3pm james takes a nap. During this time I read with the 3 kids library books - usually about 3 books. One for each child. Then after this they get to play outside or watch something on netflix. Depending on the weather. I read my emails and browse the internet. I start thinking about what I'm going to fix for dinner. And start laundry or clean up the rooms.
4pm - I usually start fixing dinner.
5:30pm - We eat dinner when Mark gets home.
Mondays & Wednesday's the girls go to Gymnastics at 5:45 and get home around 7:15
Tuesday's we go to Church where we volunteer as Middleschool leaders.
THursday's we stay home as a family and the kids play with daddy making lego houses or reading books while I clean up dinner and take care of James who tends to get pretty fussy in the evenings.
7:30 - we give the kids some kind of snack.
8pm - Bed time for the kids. All of them :)
8:45 - Kids are in bed. I browse the internet or FB for while or I watch a show on Netflix.
10pm - 10:45pm - Bed time. Mark and I try not to stay up later than this. I can't stay up late and function well the next day. :)
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