He started walking somewhere between 12 & 13 months old. I think he still only has 8 front teeth. I haven't really checked for the molars. :)
Poor baby has had a cold/runny nose for two weeks and his cheeks are all red. But other than that he's busy...very busy. He moves fast when he walks, and is trying to see if he can climb up on the kitchen table chairs.
He loves his mama best. Wants me to hold him constantly. He really doesn't like to play by himself, he wants someone to play with. So I'm really glad for 3 other kids who help keep him entertained. When I am homeschooling the girls I usually have to have one of the girls play with him while I work with the other daughter.
He is still nursing a few times a day and I don't see this stopping any time soon. I don't mind. This is the longest I've ever nursed a child.
He's a pretty small guy for being 15 months. He wears 9 month pants and he just turned 20 lbs. His favorite foods are yogurt, oatmeal, bread, crackers & spaghetti. He will tolerate soup, green beans, rice or a few other food options. But if he sees you eating something different than he is, he wants what you have.
Thankfully he's no longer in the baby food stage. I don't have to blend everything before serving it. He'd really prefer texture now, and I can give him a piece of bread & he doesn't shove the whole thing in his mouth.
He is opinionated. Yep. He wants his food & he wants it NOW! So our dinner table is full of his screaming demands. I am working on the sign language with him for communicating that he wants "more" or a "drink" but he seems to find that too inconvenient. Rose is the one who normally volunteers to feed him, as she likes to eat what he is eating with every other bite he takes. :)

He's been sleeping through the night ever since I left on a retreat for the weekend in the beginning of November. He was getting up to nurse around 3am. I knew it was just a bad habit, not anything that he needed, but I couldn't sleep through the screaming. Mark on the other hand had no problem sleeping through it, and I got to reap the rewards when I got home. He now goes to bed around 8pm. Wakes around 7:30, nurses, then I put him back in his bed, and he either goes back to sleep or just lays there contently most of the time. I don't usually get him out of bed until 8 or after. He takes a nap around 12:30-1pm and sleeps til 3pm. Such a nice schedule. And I really had nothing to do with it.
Did I mention he loves his mama? He would much rather mama hold him than daddy. And he LOVES to KISS. Yep, big, fat, wide open mouthed kisses. He will throw in a raspberry or two occasionally. ;)
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