James 11 mo
This baby of mine, has finally taken to eating baby food. None of the other kids took this long to be interested in food. It all came to a climax the other night when he woke at 11pm & nursed til 1:30am, screaming alternately to let me know that I didn't have enough milk. So, at 2am I took him downstairs & had to force him to eat, by tipping his head back & putting a little in his mouth til he swallowed. He was pretty upset by this, but at least he slept. The next night, he ate really well at 8pm (by really well, he ate about 2 oz of oatmeal & I didn't have to force him to do it), thankfully only woke once to nurse briefly. - Silly baby! :)

He has 7 teeth, 4 on the top, and 3 on the bottom. :) He likes to bite me to let me know he's hungry or tired :/ He pulls himself up onto furniture and cruses. He likes to be outside, but he doesn't like to crawl in the grass.

He likes to pick on his brother Jesse.
He says "da da da" but I don't think it's really in reference to Mark. :) He also says, "ca ca" which seems to be his name for Karmin.

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