Our Wedding 2001

My memory of my wedding day is fading. Every year around our anniversary I reminisce about that day. Ohhhh it was a HOT memorial day weekend. Our reception was in the cafeteria of the high school and there was no air-conditioning. I was afraid that my guests would leave before I did and one of the most important things to me was a huge send off. I didn't want to be left behind cleaning up.
Our pictures of that day are disappointing. We couldn't afford much so we had a friend of Mark's take them. At that time digital camera's were not affordable. He had a fantastic camera and did some great shots. But I was insistent on Mark not seeing me until the ceremony so, all of our pictures taken together were done after the ceremony. Consequently, I was worried about our guests leaving so I rushed the pics. Yep. Besides - we couldn't take as many as you can now, we only had 7 rolls of 35mm available.
One of the fondest memories of that day was going to the reception and seeing it decorated before hand. We had some extra time, so my maid of honor/best friend and I snuck over there, shocked by some of the decorating choices that I left up to well-meaning distant friends (oh well) it was too late to change it. But that wasn't all...Jo (my best friend, a girl) and I danced, and just were all around silly.
When it came time for the walk down the isle. I got sick. I thought I was going to vomit or need to be sit on the toilet for awhile...it was awful. My mom was kind enough to remind me that I was just nervous. Making a commitment for life is a HUGE thing.
I remember seeing my dad, holding his arm. Seeing Mark, hearing the pastor speak, but don't remember what he said and thinking about how the veil had a strange fold in front of my face a was making it hard for me to see.
I wanted the ceremony to be quick because I couldn't wait for the reception, but like I said, it was HOT outside and hot inside. No one really wanted to dance... oh well.
The cake was beautiful that a friend had made. And before long we headed to the get away car. The next day we called my parents so we could have them over to open gifts. My parents thought that was odd. But we weren't leaving for our honeymoon for another day and I
really wanted to open them.
Our honeymoon was in Disneyland. It was magical...why? Cuz in Disneyland there is music everywhere. We also went to Six Flags and had a BLAST! I look back and I don't think my body could handle those rides anymore...Ahhh it's only been 10yrs!
Now, 4 children later...my house is always messy. My kids are generally always noisy. I don't sleep in anymore, but I do stay up later than I really want to. How else would I have time to keep a blog? There is no longer a laundry day, because it has to be done every day. I no longer work out of the home, I work in my home. I feel like I'm constantly juggling things. Everyone needs Mama. Some days it's hard. Some day's it's very rewarding and peaceful. I've learned so much about being a parent...about being a wife, but I'm the first admit that I still have a life time of learning ahead. I married a great man, a wonderful daddy. He's been the best thing that has ever happened to me.
So, 10 years...yep, 10 busy, wonderful years.
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