Sewing projects

Honestly, T-shirts and anything with Ribbing I've stayed away from in my sewing world. : ) It seems I could never figure out how to keep that ribbing from stretching so much. WELL...I learned it's important to have a sharp needle, preferably a "bald point". I had so much fun with these. The skirt Karmin is wearing has a t-shirt waist band. You just measure the waist of your child, and cut the ribbing to be 2 inches shorter since it stretches.
Rose is modeling her new skirt made out of one of Mark's old T-shirts. The first tier was created from the sleeve. : ) One tiny little girl I have. : )

I got the idea from this website. But I seem to have lost the page of her post about a t-shirt skirt she made for her 8mo old daughter. This site has a huge list of crafty stuff to sew.
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