Kellogg's Cereal

And It's pretty rare that you come across a cereal deal like this one. Last year I got a great deal on Post cereals. This year it is Kellogg's.
So, here's what I did...
- I read on the couponing blogs about the sale at Albertson's
- I printed my coupons.
- I called Albertson's (on a Wednesday Morning) and asked the freight Mgr if he order me 16 boxes of the Crispix, 8 boxes of Corn Flakes & 6 Rice Crispies.
- I waited for Sunday to buy them because this weekend Albertson's had manufacturer Doubler's arriving in the Sunday Paper (and my local store hands them out at the Service Center.)
Here's my scenario:
Kellogg's Sale: Select varieties 3/$5 and Buy 3 participating Kellogg's products in a single transaction and get 1 gallon of milk free!
I bought:
8 boxes of Corn Flakes - $1.67ea
6 boxes of Rice Crispies$1.67 ea
1 box of Raisin Bran - $2.99
2 gal of milk - free
3 bags of M&M's - free
Used approx. 17 coupons, then doubled them with the Albertson's Doublers.
Paid $27.29 Out of Pocket (OOP) (Although I was accidentally charged for 2 extra boxes.)
Would have been $75.44 before coupons, but not including the 8 gal of free milk I gave to friends.
!!Received 8 coupons for free milk !!
And I will submit the 30 UPC's on the boxes to Kellogg's for $30 worth of gas. (this is a promotion they are running: Submit 10 UPC's for a $10 Visa Gas card)
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