The bible says, "Let us hold fast to the profession (confession) of our faith..." Hebrews 20:23

"Turn loose of the problem and get a hold of your confession. Quit praying the problem and start declaring the solution." By Charles Capps in the book "THE TONGUE, A CREATIVE FORCE"

I practiced this today. Jesse has been coughing. I am declaring that he is going to be healed of this pestering cold by morning. I started feeling under the weather today, and it was really getting a hold on me. Finally I declared that I was going to be healed. Then I focused my spirit/soul on my body feeling better. Oh My goodness...once I started focusing on feeling better...I started feeling better. Now, I feel fine..just a little thirsty! : )

Today I saw something beautiful. Rose, stepped on a tack. I went to get the hydrogen peroxide. When I came back, Karmin had her hands on her head and was praying words of healing over her. It was very moving. I can't say I can take credit for any of this. Soccer Bible camp for 2 weeks has been planting these seeds within her. I am so amazed. Usually she is very resistant to praying over anyone.


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