
Rose (our second child) is forever amazing me. At the age of 3 1/2 she insists on wearing dresses. Which is so cute. However most of them are ratty play dresses that really need to be retired.
She was having little potty accidents in her panties recently. I had her checked for a UTI, had the Chiro adjust her and still couldn't figure out why. She'd just leave the room and hide, then come back saying she had a little potty accident. She's been potty trained for over a year now.
After much praying we stumbled onto a great solution. She has to put pants on after each accident, and wear pants until the next day. A new day, means a new opportunity to wear a dress and have no accidents. Oh, she was upset over this. But in about 2 weeks, she retrained herself to use the bathroom.

Rose I would define as a little helper(but this has to be on her terms, she doesn't like to be asked to do something). She loves to try to do everything I do. Recently she took up 2 new jobs. She sweeps the kitchen floor every day and she offers to make my king sized bed. WOW.
We'll see how long this will last, but right now it is so enjoyable to have her sweep daily. When she's done I usually try to remember to ask her how many kisses she needs to have. This is the fun, cute part when she deliberates on how many she thinks she should have.
She is also my ornery child. She purposely does things to annoy Karmin, who in return whines about whatever Rose is doing. She's a bit mischievous too. She's the one that will quietly get into things, careful to tip toe around the house.
Last year I remember her getting into some trouble. (And I am so glad I'm remembering to blog this so someday I can tell her when she's got kids of her own). Mark and I were watching a movie in the bonus room with the door closed. The girls were tucked into bed. I had forgotten that Rose had a late nap that day...around 10pm I hear the door open and Rose pops her head inside. She says, mom I was hungry, and I pooped in my diaper.
I go downstairs to find a poopy diaper laying on the floor, and cod-liver oil spilled across the kitchen floor, with a cucumber and a large knife sitting next to it. Now why would a kid get into the cod-liver oil? (I give it to them usually daily, and they like it)
Of course, I'm amazed that she didn't injure herself. I have no idea how long she's been messing around downstairs. So, I proceed to clean up the mess with towels.
A word of advice about any kind of oil spills...just throw the towels away after using them to clean the mess. I wasn't thinking and I put them in the washing machine with half a load of Jesse's clothes. I ruined them all. They smelled like fish oil afterward. THEN if that wasn't enough, I put them in the dryer with the clothes already sitting in there, and dried them. Nearly ruined those dried clothes. I was able salvage most of them by soaking and re-washing them a few times.
Now how do you get oil off linoleum floors? I tried lots of stuff...409 worked the best.
So, we put the plastic bag that Costco packs their toilet paper in, in front of her bedroom door after that. When she moved the bag, I could hear it. When she stepped on the bag I could hear it, and she wasn't big enough to jump over it. We also started shutting the gate at the top of the stairs.
What else to say about this wonderful girl. She isn't particularly affectionate. Only when she is tired or sick. But she is a sweet heart. Especially in the mornings when she puts her cold feet on her Daddy's back while he's sleeping. (He deserves that for all the times he picks on the girls) : )
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