Foster Lake Fishing
Last weekend we took our little 14 ft (at least I think that's the size of it) aluminum boat out to
Foster Lake for the first time this year. It was Saturday and the girls were thrilled to be going. Constantly asking questions as to when we were leaving. The answer is always the same, after nap time. We love going this time of year because they stock the lake, the water is low and there aren't any speed boats out there, just other fishing boats like ours.
The weather was beautiful. I think we caught around 18 fish in about 1 hour. Let me tell you those girls were ExCITED! Karmin couldn't leave the fish alone. She had to pet them, kiss them. Laugh at them, feed them slices of oranges. She even spanked one of them, pretending it was naughty. It was hillarious. Poor fish, were being tortured. But she loved it.
When we did get a fish on the line, she really wasn't interested in reeling it in. That would be too much work. She let Rose do that part. Rose would sit with Daddy and together they'd bring the fish in.
The next day, Sunday, Mark says in front of the kids, "Do you want to fish tonight? The weather should be nice". Of course how could I say no.
This time Jesse got to come along. He did so great. He loved being out there on the boat. He'd talk to the fish in the bucket. Saying, "Pish, Pish". What he didn't like was when Mark was pulling one into the boat, the fish on the line swung past Jesse's head and popped him in the head. He fussed a bit over that.
Other than that...he was pretty content to munch on his snacks, look at fish his sister was torturing again, and talk about the water and the "pish".
While gutting and cleaning the fish, Karmin asked for a fish head. (YUCK) I am cleaning the fish and tell her she needs to get her daddy to hand her one. I barely make it through cleaning fish...mind over matter. RIGHT?
Yeah, so she gets a fish head, asks for the water hose and watches the water pour through the mouth and out the other side. She is facinated by how this works. Silly girl loves it. Me...I'm trying not to pay attention to her hands on learning of biology. I did tell her that next year she will be tall enough to reach the cleaning table and can help clean the fish too. That, is very exciting, you know. : )
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